General information
Project name: UniMob – Co-creation course and e-Learning model for institutional mobility
Lead Partner- Logframe Ltd. – EE084
Project Partner 1 – University of Pécs – EE1061
Project Partner 2 – University North – EE691
Activity Purpose
The main purpose of the project is involving university students and employees of into shaping a local sustainable mobility concept and developing content preferences for a mobile application in order to solve campus traffic problems and achieve emission reduction.
In addition to what, a model and e-Learning material is developed based on the conducted course: “Fostering institutional mobility ecosystems and implementing co-creation initiatives”. The e-Learning material can serve as a roadmap for other universities or larger institutions to promote behavioral change and find practical solutions for mobility issues.
The consortia are planning to develop and run a pilot version of a course integrated into the universities’ already existing courses, in order to educate and raise awareness among university students and employees and contribute to the creation of harmonized campus mobility by the development of a draft for university mobility mobile application with the involvement of students, internal professionals and university staff. Furthermore, the project is ought to strengthen relationship between the project partners while develops groundwork for future innovative developments.
Previously the universities have tried to elaborate concepts for the mobility challenges by a top-down method, focusing only on the infrastructural capacities. User needs were not mapped and the attitude of students, staff and citizens was not analyzed. The aim of this project is to bring together stakeholders of campus mobility, understand their needs, educate them about current issues and jointly develop the groundwork for solutions.
By introducing and piloting the developed course with its interactive approach, partners intend to create a participative planning method on climate protection and sustainability from the view of campus mobility in order to facilitate immediate change in stakeholder behavior.
Scope of activity
The surrounding and immediate infrastructure of the Pécs (HU), Koprivnica and Varaždin (2 locations of UNIN -CR) campuses suffer from congested mobility. Single passenger car use is extremely high despite available alternative transport. The project intends to educate and involve stakeholders of the university mobility ecosystem in order to jointly work out a practical solution, an internal campus mobile application focusing on solving mobility challenges through a short educative course.
The project results four outputs. First, the interactive mobility course, second the cocreated draft of the campus mobility mobile application, third, the e-Learning material on “Fostering institutional mobility ecosystems and implementing cocreation initiatives”, fourth a progressive project website allowing for gathering of research, and education material to further foster innovation and behavioral change post project.
The proposed project contributes to raising awareness in the local campus ecosystems as well as within the networks of project partners and assists the advancement of the innovation performance of the targeted countries and their regions by facilitating the development of future mobility innovations. The project strengthens innovation potential of the three university ecosystems and their regions by developing the content draft of a mobility mobile application that is ought to be developed post project with the use of the universities’ knowledge triangle capacities. The development of the mobility mobile application requires capitalization on professional software developers and designers along with city mobility operators.
The proposed project directly targets the elimination of knowledge gap between stakeholders of campus mobility ecosystems and sustainable mobility experts by assessing mobility issues, educating about sustainable transport while facilitating behavioral change and co-creating a solution to locally occurring problems.
Appliances of a greener transport culture are readily available, such as offered public bicycles or public electric bus in Koprivnica, or the possibility of establishing those in Varaždin, using applications for car sharing, or similarly, electric bikes in Pécs and bike infrastructure at all sites, however the mass prefers use of single passenger cars or taxis to commute. The partners of this project upon execution expect a behavioral shift towards a greener approach to mobility by university students and staff while increasing local innovation potential and facilitating awareness raising. The content drafting and groundwork for the mobility mobile application presumes the future development of a mobile application that is tailored to local needs of campuses and tries to find and promote locally available solutions for issues such as the overuse of taxis, overloaded parking spaces, or the generally unsustainable approach of students and staff to daily commute.
Outcome and Impact: expected economic and social impact.
The development of an implementation roadmap allows the execution of the course at other locations in order to develop campus mobility for liveable urban spaces. The roadmap for course implementation will be presented in an e-Learning material that can be distributed and used for educating universities or other large institutions on “Fostering institutional mobility ecosystems and implementing co-creation initiatives”.